This article introduces projects available in Flathub with installation instructions.

Flathub is the place to get and distribute apps for all of Linux. It is powered by Flatpak, allowing Flathub apps to run on almost any Linux distribution.

Please read “Getting started with Flatpak“. In order to enable flathub as your flatpak provider, use the instructions on the flatpak site.


TurboWarp is a modified version of Scratch. Scratch is a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations.

I love Scratch, but since I discovered TurboWarp, my son has never looked back. The interface is clearer, it has night mode, it works faster than the original Scratch, and it’s memory optimized.

You can install “TurboWarp” by clicking the install button on the web site or manually using this command:

flatpak install flathub org.turbowarp.TurboWarp


Szyska is file renamer with a lot of interesting features like:

  • Great performance
  • Available for Linux, Mac and Windows
  • GUI created with GTK 4
  • Multiple rules which can be freely combined:
    • Replace text
    • Trim text
    • Add text
    • Add numbers
    • Purge text
    • Change letters to upper/lowercase
    • Custom rules
  • Saved rules to be used later
  • Ability to edit, reorder rules and results
  • Handles hundreds thousands of records

You can install “Szyszka” by clicking the install button on the web site or manually using this command:

flatpak install flathub com.github.qarmin.szyszka


Marker is a MarkDown editor written in GTK3. It’s one of my favorites for fast writing on GTK. Some of its features are:

  • HTML and LaTeX conversion of markdown documents with scidown
    • Support for YAML headers
    • Document classes
    • Beamer/presentation mode
    • Abstract sections
    • Table of Contents
    • External document inclusion
    • Equations, figures, table and listings with reference id and caption
    • Internal references
  • TeX math rendering with KaTeX or MathJax
  • Syntax highlighting for code blocks with highlight.js
  • Flexible export options with pandoc
    • PDF
    • RTF
    • ODT
    • DOCX

You can install “Marker” by clicking the install button on the web site or manually using this command:

flatpak install flathub com.github.fabiocolacio.marker

Marker is also available as rpm on fedora’s repositories


Librum is an application to manage your library and read your e-books. It’s a great way to manage a collection of books and documents, including support for a long list of formats. Some of its features are:

  • A modern e-reader
  • A personalized and customizable library
  • Book meta-data editing
  • A free in-app bookstore with more than 70,000 books
  • Book syncing across all of your devices
  • Highlighting Bookmarking Text search

You can install “Librum” by clicking the install button on the web site or manually using this command:

flatpak install flathub com.librumreader.librum

Eduard Lucena

I’m a FLOSS enthusiastic, using Fedora since 2012 and helping the Fedora Community to grow better and stronger.

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